Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Make Full Use of the Law of Attraction

Like the law of gravity the law of attraction has been with us since the creation of the world. In fact the law of attraction became a reality before the law of gravity. But it was only recently that the law of attraction has been discovered. The fact of gravity has been known to human beings since their appearance on this planet. But it was not until the 17th century that its law has been discovered and analyzed.

With the discovery of the law of gravity or gravitation scientists have been able to make advances in our lives. They have designed faster and more effective transport systems from the bicycle to the jet planes.

The fact of objects and persons becoming attracted to other objects and persons has been with us since the time we began to see other human beings. But it was only recently that the law governing attraction has been discovered and popularized. This is strange because its principles were discussed by Jesus of Nazareth in the first century of our era but those who profess to follow him have not really made use of these principles. It was only in the last century that this law was talked about by writers and inspirational speakers. Finally in 2006 the movie THE SECRET popularized the principles of the law of attraction.

Law of Attraction Not Used Fully

Many uses have been made of the law of gravity, from transportation to food production, from medicine to recreational centers. But the law of attraction has not been made use of by the majority of people.

The proof that this law has not been make use of by the majority of people is that very many people wish for better things in their life, food in more quantity and better taste, clothes that are more durable and beautiful, houses that are more comfortable and more spacious, but their wish remains a wish. It does not become a reality. The reason for this is simple and yet it may take years to understand it. Their wish never becomes a reality because they do not use the law of attraction to make their wish a reality. And they do not use this law because they may not even realize that it exists and so they do not know how to use it.

Make Full Use of the Law of Attraction

Over the years there have been many persons who spoke and wrote about the law of attraction. We can begin with Thomas Troward, then William Walker Atkinson, the famous Wallace D. Wattles and Napoleon Hill in the last century. More recently we have Carol Look, Jack Canfield, Eva Gregory, Dr. Dõv Baron, and other experts on the law of attraction.

A guy by the name of Tom Murasso gathered the insights of 10 of these experts on the law of attraction and put them into a manual so that the ordinary person can understand this law and make full use of it. The title of this manual is MANIFESTING MENTORS. This manual explains to you very clearly what this law of attraction is and how you can make full use of it. You can take a look about the content of this book in this link. Simply click the title MANIFESTING MENTORS.